Virtuoso Life

Virtuoso Life

Virtuoso Life, an award-wining travel magazine, mentions ”Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in its Travel Dreams Issue of July/August 2015.

FrizziFrizzi reviews

Italy’s design and lifestyle publication FrizziFrizzi finds some very positive words about “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975”….

We are happy to report another interesting review of the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” by

Review in the Paperazzo

Review in the Paperazzo

Paperazzo, a bilingual magazine for the creative world, found some very kind words for our book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in their current edition 03/2015.

Review on

Review on praises the thorough research, attention to detail and unbiased coverage of the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“on….

Review in novum World of Graphic Design

Review in novum World of Graphic Design

A significant and very favorable review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in one of Germany’s oldest and best known design publications, novum World of Graphic Design.

Review from Seattle

Review from Seattle

Another positive review of our design book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” can be found on the Seattle PI website.

Skift Forum 2016

Skift Forum 2016

Publisher, author and design expert Matthias C. Hühne was invited to address this year’s Skift Global Forum in New York City, which is the largest creative business gathering in the…