PAGE interview with publisher Matthias C. Hühne

PAGE magazine, one of Germany’s most distinguished design publications, discusses the creation of Callisto Publishers and the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975” with publisher Matthias C. Hühne.

First review of our first book

First review of our first book

Our first book, „Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“, received a positive review by Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s leading daily newspapers.

Review in novum World of Graphic Design

Review in novum World of Graphic Design

A significant and very favorable review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in one of Germany’s oldest and best known design publications, novum World of Graphic Design.

Review in the Paperazzo

Review in the Paperazzo

Paperazzo, a bilingual magazine for the creative world, found some very kind words for our book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in their current edition 03/2015.

Review in Druckmarkt

Review in Druckmarkt

Klaus-Peter Nicolay, editor-in-chief of Druckmarkt, an independent German language magazine for the graphic design industry, reviews our book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in a detailed analysis.

Full page review in The New York Times

Full page review in The New York Times

The New York Times has decided to review “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” once more, this time in the travel section of its Sunday edition in a wonderful full page review….