Review from China

Review from China

Fantastic review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” and “Pan Am: History, Design & Identity” in China’s prestigious Condé Nast Traveler magazine….

Review in Druckmarkt

Review in Druckmarkt

Klaus-Peter Nicolay, editor-in-chief of Druckmarkt, an independent German language magazine for the graphic design industry, reviews our book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in a detailed analysis.

Review from Seattle

Review from Seattle

Another positive review of our design book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” can be found on the Seattle PI website.

PAGE interview with publisher Matthias C. Hühne

PAGE magazine, one of Germany’s most distinguished design publications, discusses the creation of Callisto Publishers and the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975” with publisher Matthias C. Hühne.

Review on

Review on praises the thorough research, attention to detail and unbiased coverage of the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“on….

Full page review in The New York Times

Full page review in The New York Times

The New York Times has decided to review “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” once more, this time in the travel section of its Sunday edition in a wonderful full page review….