Review in novum World of Graphic Design

Review in novum World of Graphic Design

A significant and very favorable review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in one of Germany’s oldest and best known design publications, novum World of Graphic Design.

Apex Aero magazine is planning a review

Apex Aero magazine is planning a review

Apex Aero, the magazine of the important Airline Passenger Experience Association, has announced that the September / October 2015 issue will feature a detailed review of our book “Airline Visual…


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Review in Segelfliegen, Switzerland

Review in Segelfliegen, Switzerland

The Swiss aviation magazine praises “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“ for its outstanding design and production quality in its November / December 2014 issue.

Review from Seattle

Review from Seattle

Another positive review of our design book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” can be found on the Seattle PI website.