Apex Aero magazine is planning a review

Apex Aero magazine is planning a review

Apex Aero, the magazine of the important Airline Passenger Experience Association, has announced that the September / October 2015 issue will feature a detailed review of our book “Airline Visual…

Review from China

Review from China

Fantastic review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” and “Pan Am: History, Design & Identity” in China’s prestigious Condé Nast Traveler magazine….

First review of our first book

First review of our first book

Our first book, „Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“, received a positive review by Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s leading daily newspapers.

Our first book

Our first book

At the end of September 2014, the first copies of „Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“ arrived from our printer in Italy.