Our first book

Our first book

At the end of September 2014, the first copies of „Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“ arrived from our printer in Italy.

Book presentation at Berlin’s Kunstbibliothek

Book presentation at Berlin’s Kunstbibliothek

On April 26, 2018, starting at 6 pm, author Jens Müller will discuss “Pioneers of German Graphic Design” with Dr. Michael Lailach and Prof. Bernard Stein at Berlin’s Kunstbibliothek. We…

Pioneers of German Graphic Design

Pioneers of German Graphic Design

…for AEG as early as 1907, designing everything from the corporate logo to products, showrooms and even head­quarter and production buildings. Other innovators soon followed: Lucian Bernhard prompted a revolution…

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  Legal Notice Copyright This website and its contents are copyright Callisto Publishers GmbH and are subject to German and international copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this…


…is an expert in commercial design and the history of architecture and a patron and collector of modern and North American native art. From 1985 to 1989 he attended Harvard…