Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-premium-edition”] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-standard-edition9″] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Pioneers of German Graphic Design

Pioneers of German Graphic Design

…in Western Europe and the United States. Apart from reproducing numerous iconic designs in magnificent quality, this volume ­exhibits a great diversity of important unpublished or forgotten pieces. It presents…

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…the Jet Age from airlines like Pan Am, TWA, and United, evoking a time now seen as the golden age of flying.” THE NEW YORK TIMES An extraordinary way to…