Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-premium-edition”] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-standard-edition9″] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Review from Mexico

Review from Mexico

We would like to share this review by Mexico’s Roastbrief design publication of our book “Pan Am: History, Design & Identity….