Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Premium Edition

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Premium Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”pan-am-history-design-identity-premium-edition”] Pan Am: History, Design & Identity is the captivating story of an airline company that refused to consider anything impossible and single-handedly revolutionized air travel despite ­innumerable technical,…

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Standard Edition

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Standard Edition

Airways Magazine “Glorious” The Guardian “Fasten your seatbelt and prepare to enjoy this brilliant history of the world’s most glamorous airline” Daily Mail “A time when flight and art made…


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Review from China

Review from China

Fantastic review of “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” and “Pan Am: History, Design & Identity” in China’s prestigious Condé Nast Traveler magazine….